GR6 Unit 1

GR6 Unit 1:  Number System Fluency

Suppose you were having to raise money for your club at school, so you and your friends decided to have a bake sale. Some students brought brownies, some bought cookies, and a few brought chips. 

Is there a way to figure out how to make baggies containing brownies, cookies, and chips with all bags being equal and without having any left-overs? The answer is YES! In this module you will find out how to divide groups (numbers) into equal partitions. You will also be reminded how to multiply and divide decimal numbers. You can use this when you are asked to do a job at home you can calculate how much you are owed!

Essential Questions

  • When or why would it be useful to know the greatest common factor of a set of numbers?
  • When or why would it be helpful to know the least common multiple of a set of numbers?
  • How can the distributive property help me with computation?
  • Why does the process of "invert and multiply" work when dividing fractions?
  • When I divide one number by another number, do I always get a quotient smaller than my original number? When I divide a fraction by a fraction what do the dividend, quotient and divisor represent?
  • What kind of models can I use to show solutions to word problems involving fractions?
  • Which strategies are helpful when dividing multi-digit numbers?
  • Which strategies are helpful when performing operations on multi-digit decimals?
It would be useful to know the greatest common factor of a set of numbers as I was dividing a bowl of candy among my group of friends so that everyone got the same amount of pieces. It would be helpful to know the least common multiple of a set of numbers if you were trying to figure out the least amount of party supplies for your birthday party so that you have enough of everything. 

The distributive property can help me multiply large numbers by using smaller numbers and adding them together. The process of invert and multiply works when dividing fractions because you are simply multiplying the fraction by a "sneaky" form of one. Believe it or not when I divide one number by another number I do not always get a quotient smaller than my original. When I divide a fraction by a fraction the dividend represents the part to be divided, the divisor represents how you want to partition the original, and the quotient represents the answer. 

I can use tables, picture graphs, etc. to show solutions to word problems involving fractions. Line up the decimal points (addition and subtraction), and shift the decimal point in the divisor and dividend so that the divisor is a whole number (division) are helpful strategies when dividing and performing other operations on multi-digit decimals.

Key Words
  • Algorithm- A step-by-step solution to a problem.
  • Difference - The amount left after one number is subtracted from another number.
  • Distributive Property - The sum of two addends multiplied by a number is the sum of the product of each addend and the number.
  • Dividend - A number that is divided by another number.
  • Divisor - A number by which another number is to be divided.
  • Factor - When two or more integers are multiplied, each number is a factor of the product. "To factor" means to write the number or term as a product of its factors.
  • Greatest Common Factor- The largest factor that two or more numbers have in common.
  • Least Common Multiple - The smallest multiple (other than zero) that two or more numbers have in common.
  • Minuend - The number that is to be subtracted from.
  • Multiple -The product of a given whole number and an integer.
  • Quotient - A number that is the result of division.
  • Reciprocal - Two numbers whose product is 1.
  • Sum - The number you get by adding two or more numbers together.
  • Subtrahend - The number that is to be subtracted.
  • Product - A number that is the result of multiplication.

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